Administrative Procedures
The comprehensive exam must be taken before enrollment in the dissertation or thesis activity. The evaluation of the comprehensive exam will be expressed by one of the following concepts: Approved or Not Approved. A student who does not pass the comprehensive exam will have the right to a new opportunity, if he/she has not failed another discipline/module/activity.
The dissertation committee (the examining committee at the defense) will be formed by at least 3 (three) members, and the PhD thesis committee will be formed by at least 5 (five) members who have been chosen by the adviser and evaluated by the graduate program coordination and the PPGSP committee, according to criteria defined in the Internal Regulations of PPGSP/UFC.
The student will be considered successful if he/she receives the unanimous approval of the examining committee. To be awarded the Master’s or PhD degree in Public Health, the student must meet the following conditions:
- be enrolled as a regular student, within the deadlines established by the graduate program;
- have passed the defense of the dissertation or thesis, within the deadline;
- have met the requirements of the graduate program coordination and the UFC Central Library.
The University will grant the degrees to which they are entitled and will issue the corresponding diplomas to students who have fulfilled all requirements. The diplomas shall be requested by the coordination of the graduate program, in a proper administrative process containing: diploma request signed by the graduate program coordinator; copy of the defense minute; declaration of defense signed by the coordination; a copy of Bachelor’s or Master’s Diploma, according to the course; copy of ID document and “Nada Consta” issued by the library.
Guidelines on the PPGSP Administrative Procedures