Guidelines on the Comprehensive Exam of Dissertation
- The student must enroll in the Comprehensive Exam activity in the current semester.
- The student must fill out the Official Letter for Scheduling the Comprehensive Exam or the Dissertation and send it to the email: .
- The student’s adviser is responsible for appointing the examining committee, which must be in accordance with PPGSP Internal Regulations:
Article 56. The comprehensive exam committee shall be composed of professors with qualified training, including the adviser and a substitute, and its members shall be appointed by the Adviser and designated by the Graduate Program or the Course Coordination.
§1º. For Master’s, the committee must consist of a minimum of four (4) members:
I. By the student’s adviser;
II. At least one faculty member linked to the PPGSP;
III. At least one professor, researcher or professional external to the PPGSP who meets the requirements regarding their respective degrees and qualifications;
IV. By a substitute who must have mastery of the topic or methodology of the dissertation project.
§2º. In case of co-supervision of the student’s research, the respective professor may be a fourth (4th) member of the examining committee.
- The secretariat registers the committee in the UFC academic system (SIGAA) and reserves the classroom or the virtual web conference room.
- After the comprehensive exam, the adviser must forward the minute signed by the examining committee members to the email: .
- The secretariat consolidates the comprehensive exam activity with the concept: Approved or Not Approved.