Regular Selection

The Graduate Program in Public Health at the UFC (PPGSP/UFC) has an annual selection process and enrolls about 30 students for Master’s course and 20 for the PhD course. The program integrates the possibility of participation of wider health professionals (Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Nutrition, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary etc.) and related areas (Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Psychology, Social Service, Geography, Biology, Engineering, Statistics, Administration, etc.).

The candidates enroll by areas of concentration and their respective sub areas of research. This favors an approximation between the candidates’ projects and the curricular structure, generating movements of alignment between the demands presented and the program proposal. 

The selection processes normally take place in the second semester. In the specific call of each selection process there is a breakdown of the offer of vacancies, requirements, standards and dynamics of the tests.

The PPGSP/UFC adopts Affirmative Actions in its selection process. In the last call (2021 Class), 20% of the vacancies were reserved for self-declared black candidates. The call also provided additional vacancies for people with disabilities (3), indigenous people (2) and quilombola people (2).

It is essential that all interested parties stay alert to become aware of the official calls for the selection process in a timely manner. A good way to do this is to regularly visit this website of the Graduate Program in Public Health at the UFC where the calls for applications are made available.

We also remind you that registrations must be made through two procedures:

  1. The candidate must fill out the electronic form available at (tab stricto sensu selective processes);
  2. Access the website to fill out the online application form, available on the link of the Selection Process and attach the scanned documentation as specified in the Call.

Since 2018, the selection process for admission to the Graduate Program in Public Health has been unified. The memory of the Selective Processes is available in the following links: