PhD Class
The academic body of the Graduate Program in Public Health can access, track and analyze its own results quickly and easily. All interested persons can also identify products in individual and collective perspective, including transversally. For each type of production it is possible to view histograms of intellectual production and collaboration graphs of the faculty, students and alumni, checking the evolution of the program over the years.
The information of alumni and students per the year of entry into the program can be observed by PhD class, as follows:
Note – The above information is obtained by ScriptLattes, one of the instruments used by the program for the monitoring of faculty, students and alumni. It is a free software from which it is possible to automate the integrated search of Lattes Curricula (CNPq) in HTML format (freely available on the web) of PPGSP alumni, students and professors. Thus, lists of productions are compiled, properly treating duplicate and similar productions, with different consistency checking routines afterwards. HTML pages are generated with lists of productions and orientations separated by type and placed in inverted chronological order. It is also registered the degree of collaboration (Collaboration Rank) among members and co authorship graphs (networks).
Note – The classes from 2008 to 2014 are linked to the PhD Program in Collective Health in Broad Association of Higher Education Institutions (UECE/UFC/UNIFOR).